My sham degree from UK 'college'
30 July 2009
Tens of thousands of foreign students may have entered the UK to study at bogus colleges, MPs believe, before the system of accreditation was tightened up this year.
One student, who wishes to remain anonymous, told BBC News how an offer to study for a degree in the UK turned out to be a scam.
The student says many Indians dream of a degree from the UK
I am an Indian citizen and came to the UK to study in 2005 at a college based in the heart of London.
Earlier that year I received an email from a person who claimed that my CV had been selected for a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) course in London.
I initially ignored it, but the prospect of a foreign education was just too tempting.
I contacted the man and secured admission to a UK college for the MBA.
The costs were much lower than for a normal UK college or university, and since I didn't want to put too much financial strain on my parents, I decided it would be a good option.
I still needed a bank loan though and borrowed about £6,000 from a bank in India, which I had to start paying back immediately after the year-long course.
I got my student visa sorted and came to the UK with a dream of getting my postgraduate degree. source: